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Aircraft Management

As a leading provider of private aircraft management services, Air 7 offers highly personalized owner-first experiences to our clients. We understand that each owner has unique needs and preferences when managing their aircraft. We tailor our services to meet those specific requirements. We aim to provide the ultimate aircraft management experience for owners who demand the highest service and attention to detail.

Complete Aircraft Management Assestment

Highly Personalized Owner First Experience

At Air 7, we take a hands-on approach to aircraft management, working closely with each client to develop a customized management plan that aligns with their individual goals and objectives. We can help you maximize revenue through charter operations or maintain your aircraft to the highest standards. We have the expertise and resources to meet your needs.

Our team of experienced aviation professionals delivers exceptional service and support at every stage of the aircraft management process. From maintenance and scheduling to crew selection and charter operations, we work tirelessly to keep your aircraft in excellent condition and ready to fly. With Air 7, you put your aircraft in the hands of experts who can efficiently manage every part of your aircraft and flight needs.


Get guaranteed charter revenue by choosing Air 7 for your private aircraft management needs. Our extensive network of charter operators and brokers enables us to secure lucrative charter opportunities for your aircraft, maximizing its earning potential and offsetting ownership costs

By leveraging our industry connections and expertise, we can fill empty legs and optimize your aircraft’s schedule to generate additional revenue streams. With Air 7, you can enjoy the financial benefits of aircraft ownership without the hassle of managing charter operations yourself.

For Owners Who Require the Ultimate Aircraft Management Experience

Air 7’s commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and personalized approach set us apart from other aircraft management companies. Managing a private aircraft alone can take up a lot of time and energy. We go above and beyond to take that burden off our clients and ensure they receive the highest service and support.

First-time aircraft owners and experienced aviation enthusiasts can all enjoy Air 7’s expertise and resources. From comprehensive maintenance programs to seamless charter operations, we handle every aspect of aircraft management to meet your unique needs with the utmost professionalism and care.

Complete Aircraft Management Assestment

Air 7’s vast experience and wealth of resources creates exceptional response, transparent communication and flawless execution, on the ground, and in the air.

  • Charter Revenue Opportunities
  • Discounted Fuel Programs
  • Crew Selection and Hiring
  • ARGUS Platinum Rated
  • Wyvern Approved
  • Aircraft Maintenance Support
  • Superior Financial Statement Reporting
Air 7

Private Aircraft Management FAQ

What is private jet management?

Private jet management, also known as aircraft management, involves overseeing and operating a private aircraft on behalf of its owner. This includes services such as maintenance, scheduling, crew management, and charter operations. Private jet management companies like Air 7 work closely with aircraft owners to maintain their aircraft to the highest standards so they operate safely and efficiently.

What do aircraft management companies do?

Aircraft management companies like Air 7 provide private aircraft owners various services, including maintenance, staffing, scheduling, and chartering. These companies work closely with owners to develop customized management plans that align with how the aircraft owner wants their plane used and managed. By outsourcing the management of their aircraft to a reputable company like Air 7, owners can enjoy the financial benefits of ownership without the hassle of managing day-to-day operations themselves.

What safety standards does Air 7 follow?

Air 7 prioritizes the safety and security of our clients and their aircraft. We adhere to the industry’s highest safety standards, including rigorous maintenance procedures, thorough crew training, and regular safety audits. Our team of experienced aviation professionals upholds the highest levels of safety and compliance, ensuring that our clients can fly with confidence and peace of mind.

How frequently will my plane be used?

The frequency of aircraft usage depends on various factors, including the owner’s travel schedule, charter opportunities, and maintenance requirements. At Air 7, we work closely with each client to develop a customized management plan that optimizes the use of their aircraft while meeting their specific needs and goals. Whether you want to generate revenue through charter operations or keep your aircraft well-maintained and ready for flight, we can tailor our services to meet your unique requirements.

What costs are associated with aircraft management?

The costs associated with aircraft management vary depending on the services provided and the size and complexity of the aircraft. At Air 7, we offer transparent pricing and competitive rates for our comprehensive aircraft management services. Our team will work closely with you to develop a customized management plan that fits your budget and meets your needs. With Air 7, you can trust that you get the most value for your investment in private aircraft management.

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Why Private Aircraft Owners Should Look For Aircraft Management Services

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The Benefits of Flying Private

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Get a Complete Aircraft Management Assessment

Experience Air 7

Ready to experience the ultimate in private aircraft management services? Contact Air 7 today to schedule a comprehensive aircraft management assessment and discover how we can help you maximize the value of your investment. Our team of experts can assist you with all your aircraft management needs.